Ellen Tucker Emerson and Edith Emerson Forbes
I am currently writing a joint biography of Ellen Tucker Emerson and Edith Emerson Forbes, the daughters of Lidian Jackson and Ralph Waldo Emerson. This project has been supported by fellowships from the Houghton Library, the Massachusetts Historical Society, the CUNY Chancellors office, and the PSC-CUNY Research Fund.
Harriet Hosmer
Harriet Hosmer: A Cultural Biography (UMass Press, 2010). A biography of the pioneering nineteenth-century neo-classical American sculptor, the book is a revision of my dissertation for the NYU Department of History.
1975: A Prophetic Drama. This digital humanities project is a collaboration with the artist and fellow CUNY community college professor Jody Culkin.
Harriet Jacobs
The Harriet Jacobs Family Papers (Associate Editor) (UNC Press, 2008). The winner of the 2009 J. Franklin Jameson Prize from the American Historical Association, the Jacobs Papers are the first edited collection of papers of a woman held in slavery.
“Organization, Outreach and Optimism: Getting a Project Up to Full Speed,” Documentary Editing 26 (Summer 2004).
Hall of Fame for Great Americans
I have written several articles on the Hall of Fame for Great Americans, a historic monument on the Bronx Community College campus.
“Aunt Susan’s Place: A Suffrage Foremother is Honored in a Now Faded Architectural Gem in the Bronx,” New York Archives (Spring 2018): 8-13.
“Advocacy and Memory at the Hall of Fame for Great Americans,” The Gotham Center for New York City, March 27, 2018.
“A Bridge, Not a Wall: Uses of the Hall of Fame for Great Americans at Bronx Community College.” In Remaking the American College Campus: Essays, edited by Jonathan Silverman and Meghan Sweeney, 57-78. Jefferson, NC: MacFarland & Co, 2016.
“‘Doing Historian Business:’ Great Men and Local History at Bronx Community College.” Transformations: The Journal of Inclusive Scholarship and Pedagogy, 27 (2016): 246-255.
I also helped organize the symposium Beyond the Hall: A Day of Conversation about Commemoration, Historic Preservation, and the Study of History in May 2017.
Teaching and Learning/ePortfolio
I have written several articles about the use of ePortfolio in history and first year seminar classes with my colleague Jordi Getman Eraso.
“High Impact Catalyst for Success: ePortfolio Integration in the First Year Seminar.” With Jordi Getman Eraso. In Catalyst in Action: Case Studies of High Impact ePortfolio Practice, edited by Bret Eynon and Laura Gambino. Sterling, VA: Stylus, 2018.
“Three for the Price of One: Combining Three High Impact Practices in One Learning Community ePortfolio,” with Jordi Getman Eraso, AAEEBL ePortfolio Review, 1, no. 3 (July 2017).
“Close Reading: Engaging and Empowering History Students through Document Analysis,” with Jordi Getman-Eraso. International Journal of ePortfolio, 7, no. 2 (April 2017).